upload News: Suffering & Difficulties in Life through Faith

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World With Humanity

Embracing a life where compassion for all living beings is not just a choice, but a way of being.

In Jainism, fundraising for people's causes is rooted in compassion (karuna) and non-violence (ahimsa). Jain communities support charitable activities like education, healthcare, and welfare, ensuring no harm to any living being. The act of giving (dāna) is essential, helping those in need and aiding the giver's spiritual progress. Fundraising is conducted with transparency and humility, ensuring contributions align with Jain values and benefit society effectively.

You Can Be a Part of Changes in the World

By embodying the principles of Ahimsa, Aparigraha, and Satya, Jains exemplify how individual actions can lead to collective positive change. Each person has the potential to make a significant impact through mindful living and ethical conduct. Together, we can build a more compassionate and sustainable world.

Parmo Dharmah
  • Embrace non-violence as the highest duty
  • Choose lifestyles and professions that minimize harm
  • Foster compassion, tolerance, and environmental care.
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Who We are

Inspiring & Helping Live Better Lifestyle

Jainism offers profound insights for living better lifestyles through principles like Ahimsa (non-violence) and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness). Ahimsa promotes peace and compassion, encouraging a vegetarian or vegan diet to reduce harm to animals. Aparigraha advocates for minimalism, focusing on spiritual growth over material possessions. Practices such as meditation and fasting enhance mindfulness and self-discipline, fostering mental clarity and emotional balance. Integrating these values into daily life helps individuals cultivate a healthier, more ethical, and fulfilling lifestyle.

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Food And Water
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Protect and enhance poverty.

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Who We are

We’ Re on A Mission To Solve all The Problem

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31,120 Children Homeless

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