upload News: Suffering & Difficulties in Life through Faith
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Live and let live
(Ahimsa Parmo Dharmah)
जियो और जीने दो

The principle of nonviolence includes doing no harm to humans, plants, animals, and nature.
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31,120 Raise Your Hand

Live and let live Save the natureAround The World

The principle of nonviolence includes doing no harm to humans, plants, animals, and nature.
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31,120 Raise Your Hand

We Help All Save the nature जियो और जीने दो

The principle of nonviolence includes doing no harm to humans, plants, animals, and nature.
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World With Humanity

Nonvoilence is the way of living a peaceful life

Non-violence, or "Ahimsa," is a fundamental principle of Jainism, emphasizing the avoidance of harm to any living being, no matter how small

You Can Be a Part of Changes in the World

Jains believe that every life, from humans to insects, possesses a soul and deserves respect and protection. Ahimsa extends beyond physical harm and includes refraining from verbal and mental violence, fostering a culture of compassion and tolerance.

for all
Leve And Let Live
  • Non-violence (Ahimsa)
  • Truthfulness (Satya)
  • Non-stealing (Asteya)
  • Celibacy or chastity (Brahmacharya)
  • Non-possession or non-attachment to worldly possessions (Aparigraha)
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Who We are

Inspiring & Helping Live Better Lifestyle

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the we stepped up as a beacon of support by distributing sanitizers and essential products. These sanitizers became a lifeline, ensuring hygiene and protection for countless individuals. A selfless efforts exemplified the spirit of unity during challenging times, fostering a sense of hope and togetherness...

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Who We are

We’ Re on A Mission To Solve all The Problem

Violence stands as one of the most pressing issues in today's world, causing immense suffering and turmoil. Jainism, with its profound principles of non-violence (ahimsa), offers a potential and permanent solution
Ahimsa Pramo Dharmah

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We kindly request your support to help further our nonviolence movement, as every donation brings us closer to a more peaceful world. Your contribution can make a significant difference today.
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    Our Volunteers
    Countries : Global suport
    We’re non-profit charity.

    Shri Shanti Nath Digambar Jain Mandir (By Acharyashri Vidyasagar Digambar Jain Charitable Trust)

    The acquisition of this Jain temple in March 2023 symbolizes the unwavering dedication and united efforts of the Jain community, buoyed by the immense blessings of Acharyashri Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj. Guided by the profound wisdom of Muni Shri Praman Sagar Ji Maharaj and propelled forward by the invaluable support of the revered Brahmachari Vijay Bhaiya Ji, this endeavor epitomizes a journey marked by spiritual resilience and collective unity.

    • Temple based in Slough SL1 5AP
    • Daily abhishek/pujan
    • Regular weekly and monthly activities
    • Kids Pathshala at the temple as well as online
    Protect and enhance poverty.

    Top Volunteering

    People in Need Reached Hummanitarian Programmers
    People in Need Reached Hummanitarian Programmers
    People in Need Reached Hummanitarian Programmers
    • Samyak Darshan
    • Samyak Gyan
    • Samyak Charitra
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    Acharyashri Vidyasagar

    About Acharyashri Acharyashri Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj was a revered spiritual leader known for his profound wisdom and teachings. His dedication to education and social reform left an indelible mark on society. With a gentle yet impactful presence, he inspired countless individuals to embrace compassion and spirituality. His discourses and writings continue to guide and uplift people across generations. He was a beacon of enlightenment and a source of profound spiritual guidance for many.…
    $4,410 Raised
    % Donation Collected
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    welcome to charity

    Acharya Shri Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj

    Our Goal Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Quam etiam orci duis mattis urna id…
    $4,410 Raised
    % Donation Collected
    Raise Your Hand
    welcome to charity

    Acharya Shri Vidyasagar Ji Maharaj

    Our Goal Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Quam etiam orci duis mattis urna id…
    $4,410 Raised
    % Donation Collected
    worldwide non-profit charity.

    Give A Helping Hand
    For Needy People

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    Pathshala Activities

    Your generous donations will directly fund educational initiatives, textbooks, and teaching material
    Goal $4,410
    Raised $4,410
    We’re worldwide non-profit charity.

    Cultivating compassion one small step at a time!

    Teaching Jainism to children is a wonderful way to instill values of non-violence, truth, and compassion from a young age. By introducing them to the teachings of Lord Mahavira and the principles of Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truth), and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), we nurture their moral and ethical development.

    • Separate batches for age group child
    • Classes are focused on core priciple of Jainism
    • Kids are engaged with interactive activities
    worldwide non-profit charity.

    Upcoming Events

    Day 2 – Mardav (Humility)

    Digambar Day: This day focuses on the concept of nudity and the…
    • Waterfront Hotel, London
    • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Day 3 – Arjav (Straightforwardness)

    Meguttam Ekasana: This day involves controlling the intake of food and observing…
    • Waterfront Hotel, London
    • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

    Day 5 – Soch (Optimism)

    This day promotes the practice of cultivating pure and positive thoughts in…
    • Waterfront Hotel, London
    • 09:30 AM - 02:00 PM

    Day 6 – Sanyam (Self Control / Restraint)

    This day emphasizes the practice of self-control and moderation in desires and…
    • Waterfront Hotel, London
    • 11:00 AM - 03:30 PM
    worldwide non-profit charity.

    Latest Our News

    Adarniya Vijay Bhaiya Ji Arriving to the UK on 13th September 2023

    • March 24, 2023
    Bundling broadband internet and cable TV services has become a popular option for many consumers. This is when a service provider offers…
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    worldwide non-profit charity.
